Monday, April 11, 2011


"Grief-stricken by the loss of TJ's mother in a car accident, Paul can't muster the strength to evict the strange squatter, and soon the long-haired, tattooed Hesher becomes a fixture in the household. Like a force of nature, Hesher's anarchy shakes the family out of their grief and helps them embrace life once more."

STARRING the talented starlet Ms. Natalie Portman (Nicole), damn Benjamin Millepied. You fucking guy. The film also stars the acting wizard Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Hesher) and the hard to look at Rainn Wilson (Paul). I'm kidding. Great guy, I assume. And at last the child actor Devin Brochu playing the character T.J. Also, a kid.

Spencer Susser, that's the director, wrote it too, it's his feature film debut. Oh how he must feel. Maybe he'll produce us with some good stuff in the future. Depending on this, I suppose. And his luck isn't fucked either, or he's got to have something about his talent, if any to be had (We'll see Susser. We will see.), to be able to attract two strong actors like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Natalie Portman. I mean, they both have good credit history. Good stuff there. Every movie I've seen them in hasn't ever really disappointed me. In fact, I'm a fan of both of them and their work. Big fan.

Did you see Levitt's tattoos?

A few words from Susser.

I click on the little energetic Safari compass that flinches when you touch it. The blue piece of shit icon. And the first page that I have pop up is the iTunes Trailers page, just because I like to see what's coming out. And I see the title: Hesher, written in the same spirit as Metallica's name, or something like that. I recognize the face on the trailer icon, that's Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Click. Then celestial liquid metal is injected into the veins while I watch some grungy character dive from fire into a pool. Cool. Cool.

The trailer sets off like a fuse to pretty explosions for kids, or maybe like dynamite. It's more like a kid lighting dynamite. A group of kids in sunday outfits. Why is the diving board on fire? Listen to that heavy metal. Joseph looks so grungy, and Natalie is a nerd. Still is beautiful. And the glasses just make her cool. That fucking van.

This is gonna be one of those movies I follow till it comes out like a nerd. Like a junky with a rusty needle, or a sex fiend that sees a ripped page from an old porno mag. This is gonna be one of those little indie movies with successful actors, and a comedian trying to be serious, (May the movie gods, bless them) that gets talked about. This is a clip.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is a talented actor. And the movies he's been in haven't disappointed me so far. So I'll trust him, and follow the flick that is Hesher.

And Natalie.
I trust her too.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

by: Anonymous

     This is the first trailer you'll see of this film and right here on "The Cut". You best be impressed! And if you're not impressed with our ability to refresh YouTube pages until a new trailer comes up ,then you should be impressed by director Roland Emmerich. His last two films were "The Day After Tomorrow" and "2012", hardly anything to cause a fuss over. Unless you like movies with huge disasters and I mean  literally and critically.
     So this film comes out October 6th, 2011. I can hardly wait. From what i can make out from the trailer, and that's not much, there's a lot of theatre, sex, and mascara on guys. All three things I enjoy. All in one sitting of course. The shots are also beautiful to see, and the movement of people from the trailer look very artistic and well thought out. A shakespeare conspiracy? Yup, not overdone enough! Give us more secrets and mystery Hollywood! At least until the Tupoc movie comes out!
     All in all, I'm pretty excited to watch this film. If you check the comments on it, ThePartyPolitics is the first one up! That's me! Yup, promoting Anonymous before anyone else could. That's just the Cut for ya though, first on the scene, last one to leave!

Emmanuel Delfin
Self Proclaimed Movie Expert

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New "Lantern" clips at Wonder Con: Not another Reynolds movie

Before new Green Lantern footage was reworded I had low expectations for the Reynolds film.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Ryan Reynolds fan, but I am a bigger fan of the hero genre. The first trailer portrayed him as a happy-go-luckyfighter pilot that while looking at the sky, finds a random purple guy who shows him "his destiny". But looking at the Wonder Con footage puts the Green Lantern on the to of my must see list for the summer.

If you want to compare the two clips check them out below. What do you think? Does it get you excited or just lowers the bar.